Tom gets some exercise 6-22-2024

I’d sure like to get into shape, so I could do Imlay, and perhaps even Heaps. So I bet I need to work hard to get back in shape, which sitting in front of the screen all day does not help. So I went and got some exercise today, and helped some friends have a nice time in Englestead->Orderville->The Narrows.

We met at 7 am and hit the trail at 7:30, when it was still chill. Hiked down to the top of E. Set up two ropes rapping in at the watercourse. Removed webbing from the ‘Mistake Tree’. Shot some video of “Bell Ringing”. That was the easy/pleasant part.

Part1: Jugged out, 250 feet or so. Did it bigwallclimber style, that works pretty well here, as the entire climb is against the 80 to 90 degree wall.

Part2: Pulled and coiled the ropes. Brought a 315 C Fire and a 291 Slyther. Pulling the ropes is an excellent arm workout, especially after jugging which works the shoulders and biceps pretty well. Stuffed the Slyther, coiled the Fire.

Part3: Hiked out. 37-1/2 lb pack. 2.25 miles. 759 feet of gain. 1 hour 8:30 minutes. Started to get warm, thankfully enough shade to keep the temp under control.

Haven’t been RAVING much… have been mostly been either injured to doing well-documented canyons the last couple of years. Maybe I will pick it up, though some might be mundaine-ish like this.

Flowers were out, so here’s some flower pics.

Amazing how much uphill is involved. I guess that is why the walk in is so pleasant…

Tom Jones