Maybe Mindbender Canyon, Robbers Roost, UT
Mindbender - check! Not Mindbender - check! But there IS a bit of a canyon in-between. Let's see, half way between X and Not-X must be Maybe Mindbender!
I've been trying to do a canyon with this guy Wade Christianson for a couple of years, and we finally got it together for this little, probably pretty mild project down in the Swell. Wade brought along his buddy Jayson Christensen. The weather was brilliant - and away we go...
Almost all photos this Latest Rave: Wade and Jayson.
Wade sneaking through the start of the canyon
Jayson getting at it on the first drop.
Jayson and Wade chimneying along.
Sometimes these small drainages are the hardest, but not in this case.
We were surprised to find bolts at the second drop.
Two nice ones, no slings, no rapid links. Interesting…
The same was to be found at the third drop.
Hey, look at that – an actual contingency anchor.
Wasn’t sure how far down the bottom was, so figured might as well…
Jayson chimneying along the narrow slot just before the 3rd rap.
Heading down the third rap. Which puts us in the main Not-Mindbender canyon.
Tom on the Third Rap.
Tom checks out the rappel anchor. One good chockstone, and one good Tricam. Mysteriously, the previous party had replaced a bunch of the webbing, but left the detritus sitting right there on the rock. Hmmm. So we carried it out.
The light was pretty good for this final rappel. Fun!
Then just a bit of Stairmaster Action to gain the rim. Henries in the background.
In the presence of Royalty – the Queens of the Desert, hogging the road with their royal presence!