Right Fork of North Creek, Zion National Park, UT
Back down to Zion for another grand trip with the Big Crew. We had quite a posse heading into the Right Fork of North Creek, but decided to break into squads to check out various entries. Here’s the Left Fork from the West Rim Trail…
Brian and I dropped into a nice canyon off the West Rim, finding this dead tree as an anchor for our first rappel.
Eventually, we wandered down the Right Fork, swam a few chilly pools, did a couple of raps, and ended up at the Grand Alcove, just before dark. Each member of the Fork-fest recounted their journey for the day. Whiskey was drunk and lies were spoke.
Down past Barrier Falls raps the intrepid solitude seekers. The Right Fork is a wonderland of waterfalls. Barrier Falls is the upward limit to easy navigation, but it has been climbed up.
Beauty abounds in this delightful canyon.
One of the finest canyons in Zion, especially in the fall, with the leaves wondrous.
The walk out is long, but delightful. The exit easily found.