Posts tagged heaps canyon zion
Heaps Canyon: Direct Finish Descent and Anchor Bolting

Heaps - the Big Kahuna! What a great canyon. I got the opportunity to do it three times this year - and this is the one where a bunch of pictures got taken. A mellow trip put together by Deeps, with Brian Olliver, Louis Johnson, Everett Boutillet and myself. Two days in the middle of the summer - LOTS of daylight. With the canyon full from recent thunderstorms, and a strong team... SHOULD be no problem. (Pictures this Rave from the whole team!)

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Heaps Canyon in the Fall, Zion National Park, UT

I've been revisiting the 'classics' of late, as I have neglected them in the last two years the way life has run, so when a strong canyoning guide from Italy was visiting in late October and Heaps Canyon was suggested, a cautious *yes* was offered up.

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