Posts tagged right fork
Surprises in Right Fork Canyon, Zion National Park, UT

The Right Fork is a wonderful Zion canyon, protected from popularity (for all but the swiftest) by requiring two or three days, thus being a ‘backpacking trip’, which canyoneers don’t do so much. As I looked back through my canyoneering diary, I realized it had been 10 years since I had Right Forked...

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Right Fork and Stevenson Canyon, Zion National Park, UT

Chris Avery came by for his annual Zion trip, this time with son Tanner in tow. We rounded up Lin Alder of Springdale and two of his friends, Pearl and Blake. We set up a wonderful Right Fork trip, but some of us snuck away to do a Zion first descent - Stevenson Canyon, the canyon that comes in just upstream of the Stevenson Alcove (get it?) from the northwest. We hoped for something good… we got a long rappel to get in, then not much, so…

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