BD Supertape 60-cm Sling / Dynex 60 cm

BD Supertape 60-cm Sling / Dynex 60 cm
from $7.95
Supertape Over-the-Shoulder Slings made from nylon webbing. Nice to have a few of these. They lie flatter across the shoulder than tied slings, and are quite a bit less expensive than spectra slings. Nylon absorbs more water than spectra, but lasts longer. Makes a good bunny strap.
Weight: 39 grams or 1.36 ounces
DYNEX Over-the-Shoulder Slings made from UHMPE webbing. Nice to have a few of these. Smaller and lighter, and non-absorbant. More expensive, and possibly not as durable. But, deluxe!!
Weight: 19 grams or 0.7 ounces
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